Vinyl siding is still the #1 choice among homeowners. But it has its drawbacks - lack of color choices being one.
Vinyl siding is a terrific option for damp climates like here in Bellingham - it's not susceptible to wood rot, and it's relatively low maintenance because it's easy to clean.
But what has kept many homeowners from installing vinyl siding is the lack of color options. Most siding companies offer a variety of tans and earthtones, with a Wedgwood blue thrown in for variety, but not much else. That means if you want color, your only option was wood siding.
Not anymore.
Can I paint vinyl siding?
The short answer is, Yes. The long answer used to be, only with light colors. That kind of defeats the purpose, because those light colors are what's available. Until recently, dark paint colors weren't recommended, since dark paint absorbs heat, and that heat could cause the siding to warp, bubble, buckle, distort, or crack.
Sherwin Williams has fixed that.
With their VinylSafe® Color Technology, heat absorption is no longer an issue. And with over 100 colors to choose from, you can paint your vinyl siding just about any color you want. (Click here to see the color choices). If you can't find a color you want, Sherwin Williams has some terrific custom color matching software to get you what you want.
Colors are available in Sherwin Williams Duration®, Resilience®, and SuperPaint® lines.
So if your vinyl siding is looking a little faded or you'd just like to change its color, give us a call. Now with Sherwin Willliams paints, we can do that!
Vinyl siding is a terrific option for damp climates like here in Bellingham - it's not susceptible to wood rot, and it's relatively low maintenance because it's easy to clean.
But what has kept many homeowners from installing vinyl siding is the lack of color options. Most siding companies offer a variety of tans and earthtones, with a Wedgwood blue thrown in for variety, but not much else. That means if you want color, your only option was wood siding.
Not anymore.
Can I paint vinyl siding?
The short answer is, Yes. The long answer used to be, only with light colors. That kind of defeats the purpose, because those light colors are what's available. Until recently, dark paint colors weren't recommended, since dark paint absorbs heat, and that heat could cause the siding to warp, bubble, buckle, distort, or crack.
Sherwin Williams has fixed that.
With their VinylSafe® Color Technology, heat absorption is no longer an issue. And with over 100 colors to choose from, you can paint your vinyl siding just about any color you want. (Click here to see the color choices). If you can't find a color you want, Sherwin Williams has some terrific custom color matching software to get you what you want.
Colors are available in Sherwin Williams Duration®, Resilience®, and SuperPaint® lines.
So if your vinyl siding is looking a little faded or you'd just like to change its color, give us a call. Now with Sherwin Willliams paints, we can do that!